Thursday, January 31, 2013

Bungalows in Thailand. Pictures of what you will find, and hope to expect. (3-30$ per Night)

Bungalows in Thailand, A Picture Blog Story of What you can expect to stay in for between $3-30 Dollars per night!

This is an excellent quality two story Bungalow.

    I am making this post, to show you the full range and spectrum of Bungalows that you can expect to see, and stay in, while traveling through South East Asia.
    From the best, to the worst. All varieties are available, depending on what your needs are, either, creature comfort wise, or financially.

    You can expect to finding quality Bungalows for between $3-30 dollars per night, depending on the location you are visiting, and the quality of the room.

     Please remember, the longer you stay, and the harder you are willing to bargain, the better your per-night price will be.

I realize that pictures will show the bungalows far better than words. So here they are, and you can decide what you are looking for.

Here is a row of typical Thai style moderately priced Bungalows.
Bungalows like this are only about $10 dollars a night!

Here is the Porch of my Bungalow. Small, quaint, but Happy.