Monday, February 10, 2014

Bungalows on Kho Bulon, Prices, types, and locations, from a traveler, not a hotelier.

 Ploy and I just returned from a trip to Kho Bulon, in Satoon Provence, Thailand.

I must say that it is a difficult place to get to, wherever you are traveling from in Thailand.

After you arrive in Pak Bara, you can get a ferry for 400Bhat each way.

That is when your vacation begins.

The scenery is spectacular, and the boat trip is only about 45 minutes.

There are beautiful mountains sticking straight up out of the water.  The ocean in blue and deep green.

The earlier you arrive to Kho Bulone, the better it will be to locate a room.

We arrived on the second ferry, since we flew down from Chiang Mai where we live, earlier that same morning. Almost all of the rooms were full.

Some people resorted to sleeping in tents.

Ploy and I were lucky enough to find a room for 600 Bhat at Pang Ka Noi. That is about $20.  We did well for the first night.    On the second day, I walked to every resort on the island looking for an empty room at 9:30 AM. That is just after the ferry leaves.

 Here are two nice bungalows at Kho Bulon Resort, but they are going for 2,500 Bhat per night.
                     That is about $85.

The room on the right was for rent for the same price.  Very close to the beach.

 Here is a Thai Longtail boat.  They are very loud, so we opted for a room further in the jungle, and away from the noisy boats being fired up for hours every morning.

These are two Pied Horn-bills. They are the most beautiful birds I have every seen in the wild. They visited our bungalow in the jungle almost every evening.   I learned to recognize their screech, and I would watch them from my bungalow's balcony.

These rooms were going for 3,000 Bhat per night, at Bulone Resort.

That is too expensive if you are a traveler.

I believe that families from Europe were the most frequent visitors.

In the 15 nights we spent on Kho Bulone, we met only one American.

Bulone is mostly visited by French, German and Italian tourists.

It is very international,  and the seafood is exquisite.

Here is another $100 bungalow.

Kho Bulon is also host to many, many giant lizards and monitors.

This one was about 7 feet long.

They are not menacing,  but still startling to "bump" into as you walk from your bungalow to the beach.

Here is a picture of our Bungalow's porch. 
We had two stools one small table and a rack to dry our towels on.

    Some Italian food was available on Pan Ka Yai.
The food was made by two Italians, and they did a marvelous job.

This is a Crustetta, I believe.

Here is more moderately priced bungalow. This one has a bathroom and a small porch.

Safe clean and simple.
300 Bhat a night.
That is 10$!!!!

They may be situated too close for comfort, but still, it is a great price to pay for a nice room.

     Here are some crabs that I bought. The crabs were being sold for 70 Bhat ($2.50) per Kilogram.
That's right, per kilogram.  2.2 pounds for $2.50!!!!

Ploy and I ate two Kilos of crabs, and the crab fishermen threw in two of those funny little crab/shrimp animals that you can see on top.  We cooked them at out resort, Nam's Place.

This was decent bungalow, for 600 Bhat a night.  That is $20.

This bungalow was going for the same price,
     but you must be careful, some of the tenants are staying for a long time, and many visit Kho Bulone for 1-6 months per year.

Everyone knows everyone else!

Bulone is the perfect place to stay long term, and relax.

This is Pad Thai that Ploy ordered for lunch.
We had the most special time, and will certainly plan on returning to Kho Bulone someday!!
I hope you enjoyed this post.  Good luck finding a bungalow as early in the day as you can.

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